materi : Handphone Sony Ericsson Manipulation With Photoshop
Judul : Handphone Sony Ericsson Manipulation With Photoshop
Handphone Sony Ericsson Manipulation With Photoshop
Artikel belajar photoshop, Artikel editing,
sony ericsson manipulation with photoshop
2) Open up your stock image. (I’ll provide all the resources at the end of the tutorial)
3) Create a Layer Mask

4) Brush out all the white area and the reflection, with Black brush in the layer mask

5)Right click on the stock layer and select Convert to smart object

6) Copy the stock to the main picture

7) Create a new layer (Ctrl + shift + N) and name the layer Brush1.
Optional: Create Layer groups for better organizing.
8 ) Download those brushes
a) here
b) here
c) here
d) here
9) Start applying those brushes to the picture. For every brush you use, you’ll make a new layer. Also change the color a bit darker and lighter for every brush, just to make it look a bit better, not dull. Then change some layer order so few brushes are on top of the product and some of them are under the object.

10) Download theses brushes
11) Make a new group on top of your background layer and under the stock layer. Take a soft gray color and start brushing behind the stock. Now add few color stains to bring the picture alive. (Choose a contrasting color from the main palette.) Make sure you don’t completely cover the stock, because if you have filled up the picture with brush strokes, your customer won’t see the object but the graphics around it.

12) Create a new layer and take out your pen tool.
13) Make some good strokes with 6px hard round tool (every stroke new layer) and to keep the freshness, make every line a bit different color.

14) Apply a Layer Mask to all layers and select any black round brush and delete a bit of those stroke to give a look their wrapping around the stock.
15) Go to Layer > Layer Style > Outer glow and apply the following settings to every brush-stroke layer.

16) Now it should look like this

17) Time to add some text. Make up anything you want.
In the end I got something like this

Download this for every file in this tutorial, the final jpg, psd, brushes, stock and an 1280×1024 wallpaper
Click Here
Sidenote: If you’re going to make an advertisement, do not use those brushes I gave you, they’re not made by me and you have to ask the brush author to give you the rights to use them at commercial works.
Leave a comment if you want to share the masterpiece you created with this tutorial, I’d be glad to see them.
Have fun!
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